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The Home of Apprenticeships

Free Recruitment Service

We have our very own recruitment team who will select suitable candidates.   The team will advertise, recruit and pre-screen applicants free of charge until you are happy with the successful candidate.

Funding the Apprenticeship

Under 50 Employees

If you have under 50 employees and employ an Apprentice aged 16-18, there is no cost for the services Rochdale Training provides. There is a 5% employer contribution if you recruit an Apprentice aged 19 or over.

Over 50 Employees

If your wage bill is under £3m each year and you have over 50 employees, you are a ‘non-levy paying employer’ but still share the cost of training and assessing your apprentices with the government - this support with apprenticeship costs is called ‘co-investment’. The co-investment rate has changed for new apprenticeships starting on or after 1 April 2019. You will now pay 5% towards the cost of apprenticeship training. The government will pay the rest (95%) up to the funding band maximum.

Wage Bill of more than £3 million

As an employer with a wage bill of more than £3 million, you’re required to pay the apprenticeship levy. You can manage funds using the apprenticeship service and spend it on training and assessing your apprentices. The government will apply a 10% top-up to the funds you have in your account. If you don’t have enough funds, you just pay 5% of the outstanding balance and the government will pay the rest.

Employer Incentives for recruiting an Apprentice

Employers could be eligible for £1000 incentive per apprentice if they hire an eligible apprentice. Payments are made in two parts at 90 and 365 days of the training period.

The Apprentice must be either aged 16 to 18 years old, or aged 19 to 25 years old and have an education health care (EHC) plan or has been in the care of their local authority.

Contact us on 01706 631 417 or for more information. 

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